300STER III ads a new od channel (germanium diodes) at the end of the circuit, allowing the user to switch between the Boost (also featured in the first 300STER) or the new germanium overdrive sound that is closer to old marshall's crunch. Handwired point to point, true bypass, and also allows a 9v. battery.
(home-recorded with an sm57, 20cm away off-axis. the amp is the Spartan30 w/gain set low)
Stratocaster (w/ SCN pickups) - Overdrive 2 - (guitar volume on 10)
Stratocaster (w/ SCN pickups) - Overdrive - smooth mode, (guitar volume on 10 part was played clean, then with overdrive)
Stratocaster (w/ fat 50's) - Overdrive - bright mode, (guitar volume on 10)
Stratocaster (w/ humbucker) - Overdrive 2 - (guitar volume on 10)