
300STER (update)

Working on the prototype, I modified the tone possibilities of the overdrive, adding a 3 way switch keeping the bright stock sound, a smooth overdrive mode and sooth with added sparckle. The smooth overdrive keeps the amplike feel, with more bass and a little less sparkle. The effect works with the amp tone and doesnt sound like a pedal was added, sounds more like a cranked amp bluesy tone, also very "Santana-like" with humbuckers or darker single coils. Also works very well pushing other pedals, (like a tubescreamer) into high gain.
A sample of the smooth od was added bellow:

(home-recorded with an sm57, 20cm away off-axis. the amp is the Spartan30 w/gain set low)

Stratocaster (w/ SCN pickups) - Overdrive - smooth mode, (guitar volume on 10 part was played clean, then with overdrive, and in the end using only the neck pickup)