I have been messing arround for a while with this one, for pure fun. Its a nice od pedal, with less mids, more bass and gain than a TS type. The stock touch is diferent and a little stiffer than a TS. And the diode type can take this pedal into fuzz zone. I Started to mess arround, and noticed a stock switch that connects one of the electrolits to a resistor, and decided to take that switch up to the chassis, for easy access. It toggles between a TS type crunch and a brighter overdrive.
Tested a few connections , and found one spot that made a drastic change to the tone/overdrive circuit. so I created a bridge and removed R4 and C2 and , and conected to a DPDT switch outside, with jumpers on the back of the pc board to try different values for the cap and resistor(stock was 4.7k + 47nf). Ended up using a 2.2k + 3.3uf (wich gave me a fuzz type of sound) and 1.2k + 0.1uf (wich gave me a sparkling overdrive tone) both modes sound very vivid, organic and amplike now and are afected by the other switch for a wide array of tones.